Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monster Workout

My latest workout borrows from a Crossfit session our mate (and expert who co-wrote our MMA Conditioning course), Ben Hockman gave us to try.

In it's basic form, it's 7 sets of 7 reps of 7 exercises done in a circuit format.
So 7 reps of each of the 7 exercises, done 7 times.

The exercises I chose were:

Thrusters (with 2 16kg kettlebells)
Press ups
Stride jumps over a box
Body rows
Olympic cleans
Med ball throws
Reverse lunges with 10kg med ball twists

Just do all 7 and repeat the circuit 7 times - with no rest!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone thwack monster

Location:PT Health Studios

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