Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monster Workout

My latest workout borrows from a Crossfit session our mate (and expert who co-wrote our MMA Conditioning course), Ben Hockman gave us to try.

In it's basic form, it's 7 sets of 7 reps of 7 exercises done in a circuit format.
So 7 reps of each of the 7 exercises, done 7 times.

The exercises I chose were:

Thrusters (with 2 16kg kettlebells)
Press ups
Stride jumps over a box
Body rows
Olympic cleans
Med ball throws
Reverse lunges with 10kg med ball twists

Just do all 7 and repeat the circuit 7 times - with no rest!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone thwack monster

Location:PT Health Studios

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Early morning wake up

Well, as I'm travelling down to Bristol and back in a day, I had to fit in an early morning session before catching the train.

Normally I would have gone for a run as that's usually all I can handle so early in the day ( no-I'm not a "morning person"!). However as the streets and trails where I live resemble ice rinks and bobsleigh tracks, I decided to be sensible and train indoors.

Here's how it went:
4 x 5 minutes of work.
Alternate the 2 exercises for the 5 min duration
1 mins rest between sets

Set 1:
6 squats with 2 16kg kettlebells in rack position
6 pull ups

Set 2:
6 deadlifts using own body weight (I did 50kg)
6 incline push ups with feet on bench

Set 3:
6 thrusters with 2 16kg kettlebells
6 body rows

Set 4:
6 burpees
6 press ups

Only 20 mins work but wowsers....definitely a wake up call!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone thwack monster

Location:PT Health Studios. Leeds

Saturday, August 14, 2010

While the cats away.....

So, Phill has gone away for the night and left me to while away the hours by creating this workout!

Equipment used: 16kg kettlebell

I started off with alternating 1min skipping and 1min plank holds for 4 cycles.
Then did each of these for 1min with no breaks in between exercises:
• deadlifts
• crush grip mil press
• straight leg deadlifts
• single arm mil press right
• straight leg deadlifts
• single arm mil press left

And I repeated this sequence 4 times with 2 mins break between sets.

On to the next set using the same timing principals:
• crush grip squats
• halo
• kb loaded reverse lunge right
• upright rows right
• kb loaded reverse lunge left
• upright rows left

And repeated 4 cycles!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone thwack monster

Location:Back garden